Neem Oil, Unscented 90ml (pure %100)
Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Unrefined neem oil, cold pressed, %100 natural, does not contain additives or preservatives.
Pure neem oil needs to be mixed & diluted 50-50 with a carrier oil (like sweet almond oil) before using it on the skin and the hair
Skin Types
• Suitable for all skin types, for the face, body and the hair
• Unscented
• Unrefined, it carries strongly the natural neem oil odor.
• 90 grams
• A Multi purpose natural deep moisturizer that is safe to be used on the face, body & hair. Mainly used to strengthen the skin & increase it’s elasticity, & to nourish the hair.
• Neem oil has antiseptic qualities, use fee drops on ur scull to treat & reduce dandruff, itchy scalp & general scalp irritations
• A great insect repellent, place few drops about the windows and doors, it will prevent insects from entering ur home
• Mix 50/50 neem oil with water, shake it well and spray it around ur plants, it will prevent insects from eating ur plants
• %100 pure neem oil